Thursday, August 23, 2018

Get object type

# To query the type of an object:
pm.objectType( 'sphere1Shape' )
# Result: u'nurbsSurface' #

# To confirm that sphere1Shape really is a nurbs surface:
pm.objectType( 'sphere1Shape', isType='nurbsSurface' )
# Result: True #

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Debug in Maya with Visual Studio Code

Working on more complex scripting projects in Maya, the time spent debugging grows. Time is precious and having a clean debug workflow is the big bang here. I switched to VS Code recently and found setting up the Maya debugging connection quite simple, thanks to this great blog post by iwonderwhatjoeisworkingon

Maya 2018 Auto Retopo Function

I just found this handy hidden function in Maya 2018 to turn your Mesh into even Quads or Triangles. // MEL //  turn selected mesh int...